Friday, November 10, 2006

Democrats represent many more Americans than do Republicans

The inestimable Brad DeLong and other left-wing heavyweights have been busy, busy, busy answering the question I immediately asked on the morning of November 8th - exactly how sweeping a victory had we just witnessed, however obscured it might have been by partisan gerrymandering of congressional districts and constitutionally provided disproportional advantages given to small states in the Senate. We'd already been subjected to weeks of expectations gaming by the execrable of the right-wing as they desperately tried to spin their way out of the coming catastrophe for their party by trying to suggest that anything less then the Democrats winning every single available seat should be interpreted as business as usual and a failure by the Democratic Party. To them we say, thpptht.

But I digress.

Using the results of the recent election as well as information on the population by state, we can calculate the number of people represented by Democratic versus Republican Senators, dividing the population evenly when the state has a mixed party representation in the Senate.

The results using the 2004 state populations are in the table below but here's the executive summary so those of us who are information-phobic.

In sum,
Population of states represented by two Democratic Senators:


Population of states represented by 1 Dem and 1 Repub:


Population of states represented by two Republican Senators:


Thus, Democratic Senators are charged to represent the interests of roughly 43 million more (give or take a million, depending on the year you use for the population figures) Americans.

43,054,516 more Americans - a difference that represents 14.66% of the total population of the U.S. in 2004.

Moreover, one might additionally note that in many of the states with a mixed party representation, particularly the larger ones (including Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Missouri, Minnesota, and Colorado) the Democratic Senator has been the more recent election of the two.

That, ladies and gentleman, is what one calls a majority party.

(For your perusal, here's the table of the results, where R = two Republicans, D = 2 Democrats, and M = 1 of each and the trailing columns are the running tallies as you go down the listfor your perusal).

State Jul-05 Jul-04 Jul-03 Senators Running R '04 Running D '04 Running M '04
Alabama 4,557,808 4,530,182 4,500,752 R 4530182 0 0
Alaska 663,661 655,435 648,818 R 5185617 0 0
Arizona 5,939,292 5,743,834 5,580,811 R 10929451 0 0
Arkansas 2,779,154 2,752,629 2,725,714 R 13682080 0 0
California 36,132,147 35,893,799 35,484,453 D 13682080 35893799 0
Colorado 4,665,177 4,601,403 4,550,688 M 13682080 35893799 4601403
Connecticut 3,510,297 3,503,604 3,483,372 D 13682080 39397403 4601403
DC 550,521 553,523 563,384 NA 13682080 39397403 4601403
Delaware 843,524 830,364 817,491 D 13682080 40227767 4601403
Florida 17,789,864 17,397,161 17,019,068 M 13682080 40227767 21998564
Georgia 9,072,576 8,829,383 8,684,715 R 22511463 40227767 21998564
Hawaii 1,275,194 1,262,840 1,257,608 D 22511463 41490607 21998564
Idaho 1,429,096 1,393,262 1,366,332 R 23904725 41490607 21998564
Illinois 12,763,371 12,713,634 12,653,544 D 23904725 54204241 21998564
Indiana 6,271,973 6,237,569 6,195,643 M 23904725 54204241 28236133
Iowa 2,966,334 2,954,451 2,944,062 M 23904725 54204241 31190584
Kansas 2,744,687 2,735,502 2,723,507 R 26640227 54204241 31190584
Kentucky 4,173,405 4,145,922 4,117,827 R 30786149 54204241 31190584
Louisiana 4,523,628 4,515,770 4,496,334 M 30786149 54204241 35706354
Maine 1,321,505 1,317,253 1,305,728 R 32103402 54204241 35706354
Maryland 5,600,388 5,558,058 5,508,909 D 32103402 59762299 35706354
Massachusetts 6,398,743 6,416,505 6,433,422 D 32103402 66178804 35706354
Michigan 10,120,860 10,112,620 10,079,985 D 32103402 76291424 35706354
Minnesota 5,132,799 5,100,958 5,059,375 M 32103402 76291424 40807312
Mississippi 2,921,088 2,902,966 2,881,281 R 35006368 76291424 40807312
Missouri 5,800,310 5,754,618 5,704,484 M 35006368 76291424 46561930
Montana 935,670 926,865 917,621 D 35006368 77218289 46561930
Nebraska 1,758,787 1,747,214 1,739,291 M 35006368 77218289 48309144
Nevada 2,414,807 2,334,771 2,241,154 M 35006368 77218289 50643915
New Hampshire 1,309,940 1,299,500 1,287,687 R 36305868 77218289 50643915
New Jersey 8,717,925 8,698,879 8,638,396 D 36305868 85917168 50643915
New Mexico 1,928,384 1,903,289 1,874,614 M 36305868 85917168 52547204
New York 19,254,630 19,227,088 19,190,115 D 36305868 105144256 52547204
North Carolina 8,683,242 8,541,221 8,407,248 R 44847089 105144256 52547204
North Dakota 636,677 634,366 633,837 D 44847089 105778622 52547204
Ohio 11,464,042 11,459,011 11,435,798 M 44847089 105778622 64006215
Oklahoma 3,547,884 3,523,553 3,511,532 R 48370642 105778622 64006215
Oregon 3,641,056 3,594,586 3,559,596 M 48370642 105778622 67600801
Pennsylvania 12,429,616 12,406,292 12,365,455 M 48370642 105778622 80007093
Rhode Island 1,076,189 1,080,632 1,076,164 D 48370642 106859254 80007093
South Carolina 4,255,083 4,198,068 4,147,152 R 52568710 106859254 80007093
South Dakota 775,933 770,883 764,309 M 52568710 106859254 80777976
Tennessee 5,962,959 5,900,962 5,841,748 M 52568710 106859254 86678938
Texas 22,859,968 22,490,022 22,118,509 R 75058732 106859254 86678938
Utah 2,469,585 2,389,039 2,351,467 R 77447771 106859254 86678938
Vermont 623,050 621,394 619,107 D 77447771 107480648 86678938
Virginia 7,567,465 7,459,827 7,386,330 M 77447771 107480648 94138765
Washington 6,287,759 6,203,788 6,131,445 D 77447771 113684436 94138765
West Virginia 1,816,856 1,815,354 1,810,354 D 77447771 115499790 94138765
Wisconsin 5,536,201 5,509,026 5,472,299 D 77447771 121008816 94138765
Wyoming 509,294 506,529 501,242 R 77954300 121008816 94138765
Total U.S. 296,410,404 293,655,404 290,809,777 Total 77954300 121008816 94138765

Total 125023682.5 168078198.5 (splitting M)

Difference 43054516

Percentage 14.66%

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