Friday, November 17, 2006

Republicans back racist for leadership post

Well, the Grand Old Party returned to its roots, backing Mississippi Senator Trent Lott, an unreconstructed Southern Good Old Boy to help lead their party (okay, perhaps he's marginally reconstructed, he did appear on BET). You'd think the Republicans would run screaming from an issue that handed Senate control to the Democrats (see exhibits A & B, soon to be former Senators George Felix Allen and Conrad Burns). The United States is growing as a nation and it's growing away from the culture of racism, albeit much, much too slowly, but growing away nonetheless. Embracing a person as a leader who lauded that culture, who celebrated that culture, who was a fixture of that culture, well one can only hope that mistake comes back to haunt the 25 numbnuts who voted for him, including Presidential candidate, Senator John McCain.

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